Pet Funeral - Memorializing your Pet

Since ancient times, pet animals have been given proper funerals by their owners which memorialize them. Holding a Sunshine Coast pet funeral may not be for everyone, experts still think that holding some kind of a ceremony or ritual can help the owner cope with the loss of a beloved animal friend.

There are ways to choose the funeral (or maybe the cremation) of your pet. The ceremony can be as simple as saying a few words or as can be elaborate as a human funeral. It’s your preference and you’re not alone. (In a 2013 survey, half a million pets have their own funeral in the U.S.)


Depending on your local area regulations, you can hold your ceremony in your own backyard or you can engage the services of a pet funeral home. These companies certainly understand the pain of owners in the loss of their pets.

Pet funeral homes offer complete burial and cremation services, and can provide for an appropriate caskets, urns and grave markers for your pets. There are now many Sunshine Coast pet funeral homes to help you decide the ways you want your pet be buried and be memorialized.


When planning your pet’s funeral, you would need to consider inviting the people who were significant in your pet’s life. Locations could also be a choice when considering your pet’s favorite places. It could be your backyard or a window seat in some parts of your house.

You can hold your event in that spot or bring photos of the place to the funeral home. You might also consider additional photos and some memorabilia like pet toys and the like so your guests can also recall favorite memories with your pet when alive.

During the ceremony, you can also serve food that held special attention to your pet. In essence, there are rules to follow here except that it might be similar to a human funeral but simpler and shorter, and certainly more casual than anything.

Some elements

Some people would like to include a simple candle lighting ceremony since it is in some way symbolizing the spiritual nature of the ceremony. Depending on your beliefs and those of your friends attending, other owners would also like to have some prayers or blessings included.

Other memorable parts would include the many touching poems and readings which you can use in telling how much your furry friend had touched your life. It certainly will express your feelings of loss.

Telling tales / videos

There could be some chances of telling anecdotes about your pet with the others who have been connected with it when it was alive. You can ask others to tell their shares of humorous stories or otherwise. (Some pets, especially dogs, can be as wise and serious as their human counterparts.) 

You can ask some people or bring them with you photos and other memorabilia of your pet to show to your guests. Better would be some videos, if you have them, of your pet in play or in action while alive. A Sunshine Coast pet funeral can be emotionally cathartic.
